40 漸増温度下の鋼柱の座屈強度に及ぼす高温クリープの影響評価
- 論文の詳細を見る
Experimental and theoretical studies have been performed to predict the creep effect on buckling strenth of steel columns at increasing high temperature. In order to satisfy the purpose, two kinds of experiments ((1)tests at constant high temperature, (2)tests at increasing high temperature under constant axial load) are performed using the steel columns with rectanglar cross-section. The results obtained from the second test are compared with the first one on the buckling curves at constant high temperatures, and the difference of them shows the effect of creep effect on the deterioration of buckling strength at increasing high temperature. The data obtained from the steel column tests are also compared with the results obtained from the non-linear analysis by the finite element method to examine the validity and efficiency of numerical simulation.
- 一般社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1997-03-20
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- 40 漸増温度下の鋼柱の座屈強度に及ぼす高温クリープの影響評価
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