3 今日の賃金制度改革と同一価値労働同一賃金原則(テーマ別分科会4=同一価値労働同一賃金原則と賃金制度改革の動向,II テーマ別分科会=報告論文と座長報告)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Japanese companies facing intensifying global competition and seeking to reduce total personnel costs began a rapid shift to performance-based pay and promotion systems from the mid-1990's. The aims of this paper are to examine trends in wage system reforms and to explain the movement toward the realization of ILO Convention No. 100, the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value, in Japan. We can characterize recent wage reforms as a change from the work qualifications system to the performance-based personnel system, though the contents of reform vary by company. Wage reform consists of three main components. The first is a change of the grade system that determines an employee's treatment. The second is a change in the basic salary, from pay determination based on age and performance evaluations to a role- and job-based pay system. The third is a change in the individual evaluation system that determines qualification grades and individual employees' wages. This paper examines the wage systems of five Japanese companies. As is clear from "Japanese-type job-based pay", the term applied to these new systems, they are not equal pay for equal value work systems. On the other hand, two industrial unions have adopted the principle of equal pay for work of equal value. One is the All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union, which experimented with "putting into practice equal pay for work of equal value" for civil servants' job evaluations in one city in 2003. Rengo, the national labor union federation, promotes equal pay for work of equal value as a means of achieving equality for part-time workers. In 2005, Rengo started up a job evaluation system to achieve equal pay for work of equal value. The findings from the analysis of this paper are as follows. One is that we should base more comprehensive job evaluations on the principle of equal pay for work of equal value in order to achieve fairness. The second is that labor unions should more actively attempt to implement fair and equal job evaluations by using precise job classifications.
- 社会政策学会の論文
- 2007-03-31
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- 新刊紹介 伊藤セツ・伊藤純編著『ジェンダーで学ぶ生活経済論 -福祉社会における生活経営主体-』
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- 〔論 文〕非正規労働者の公正な賃金-非正規労働政策と関わって-
- 3 今日の賃金制度改革と同一価値労働同一賃金原則(テーマ別分科会4=同一価値労働同一賃金原則と賃金制度改革の動向,II テーマ別分科会=報告論文と座長報告)
- 6 4報告へのコメント(座長報告,I 共通論題=社会政策学と賃金問題)
- 大沢真知子著, 『経済変化と女子労働-日米の比較研究-』, 日本経済評論社, 一九九三年五月, 三〇一頁, 四五三二円