アボリジニ部族経済と牧場労働 : グリンジ族土地所有権運動の歴史的背景
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Today it is well known that there is disagreement between the 'oppositionalists' and the 'accommodationists' concerning viewpoints of Aboriginal history. This thesis aims to integrate these different standpoints. In 1966, the Gurindji people, who had been working at Wave Hill Station in north-western NT, walked off the station and initiated a strike for better working conditions. Even though the world human rights movement was an external condition, Gurindji's internal factors that led to the decision to strike can't be understood without studying their social and economic history. Examining this is the aim of this paper. Investigating the continuance, transition and crisis of Gurindji tribal autonomy after contact with the European cattle industry, I will suggest a new perspective on Aboriginal history. Although facing cultural and economic difficulties caused by white intrusion, the Gurindji people were successful in sustaining their tribal life, with the help of the natural cycle, even though they received partial white economic assistance while living on the stations. They preserved their traditional socioeconomic system even under terrible labour conditions. The final strategy adopted, to get out of tribal economic difficulties and to preserve their traditional culture by separating it from that of the whites, was the strike movement at Daguragu and the independence of Daguragu Station.
- 1996-12-25
- 「政治社会」を再想像する--グローバル化時代における歴史研究のアジェンダ (2003年度歴史学研究会大会報告 公共性再考--グローバリゼーションとナショナリズム) -- (全体会 公共性再考--グローバリゼーションとナショナリズム)
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- 特集によせて(ジャパニーズ・イン・オーストラリア-「記憶」-)
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- アボリジニ部族経済と牧場労働 : グリンジ族土地所有権運動の歴史的背景
- オーストラリア先住民の牧場退去運動--オーラル・ヒストリーからの接近
- 特別掲載 アンチ・マイノリティ・ヒストリー--ローカルかつグローバルな歴史へ向けて
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- オーストラリア先住民とジャパニーズ : 開かれた「和解」のために(ジャパニーズ・イン・オーストラリア-「記憶」-)