615 有限要素詳細足モデルの構築と能動運動シミュレーション
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In developing sports equipment, some human models have been constructed. But because these are simplified models such as mannequin model and muscles are not constructed, the evaluation of sports equipment is only on static case. Therefore it is necessary to construct human models which can simulate active motions and evaluate sports equipment on dynamic case. In addition, because muscle contractions induce both posture changes and outer skin shape changes, human model which can estimate muscle shape changes should be modeled to consider interaction between sports equipment and human. Therefore the objective of this research is to construct biofidelic finite element leg and foot model including 3D muscle models and then validate the model by active dorsi and plantar flexion simulation and also to prove availability of constructed leg and foot model by evaluating sports wear. To achieve these, leg and foot model made from MRI images were constructed and the models were validated by comparing the ankle joint angle and outer skin shapes of lower leg on dorsi and plantar flexion. And then, availability of the model is demonstrated by comparing the contact pressure on constructed sports tights on dorsi flexion and plantar flexion.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-09-05
- ラフバラ大学におけるスポーツ・テクノロジー : (新しい学術分野の開拓)(日本語要約)(スポーツを面白くする工学)
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