3204 モジュール化を考慮した船体構造最適化に関する研究(OS6-4 設計と最適化IV-構造設計への応用-,OS6 設計と最適化)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The partial modularization of the point is pushed forward for the reduction of the building cost of the engine part and a maintenance performance gain now in the shipbuilding industry. And the conception imagined that in the future, assemble the whole engine part out of the ship, and install in the hull last. However, for this realization, it is necessary to remove some decks and change conventional hull structure greatly, and it is very likely that the strength of the hull and a vibration characteristic change greatly. The study analyzes about strength with to realize the total modularization of the engine room in the future. And the purpose is getting dynamic knowledge leading to suggestion of the new design plan. It is necessary to redesign the hull structure around the engine region radically to get the present conditions and equal performance with aspects of strength and vibration after having realized this modularization. Based on dynamic knowledge provided in this study, utilize structural optimization and design conception ship deployed the new engine room module.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
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- 3204 モジュール化を考慮した船体構造最適化に関する研究(OS6-4 設計と最適化IV-構造設計への応用-,OS6 設計と最適化)