OS0316 電気抵抗変化法を用いたCFRP損傷検知に及ぼす温度変化の影響(OS3-4 電磁気,OS-3 非破壊評価と構造モニタリング2)
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Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) laminates are weak in durability against impact load, and it yields internal damage like delamination. The electrical resistance change method (ERCM) which is one of the nondestructive inspection is useful for CFRP structures, because electrical conductivity of carbon fiber can be used as a sensor for damage detection. Many researchers detect various kinds of damage of CFRP laminates by the ERCM. However, there are some effects such as a temperature change and a cyclically loading in real environment. This study experimentally deals with the effect on the ERCM. At first it was revealed that the relationship between temperature and electrical resistance change was almost linear. Moreover, it was investigated that the temperature coefficient depends on a fiber orientation angle. Finally, temperature change was observed in fatigue tests, therefore electrical resistance is formulated as constant temperature.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-07-16
- 一般化線形混合モデルを用いた逆問題による損傷同定の高精度化 : 電気ポテンシャル法を用いたCFRP積層構造のはく離同定への適用
- 抵抗温度特性変化を利用したCFRP平板の統計的層間はく離検出
- 15・3 最適設計・設計における解析(15.設計工学・システム,機械工学年鑑)
- 抵抗温度特性変化利用の統計的電気抵抗変化法によるCFRPの損傷診断 ([日本実験力学会]2009年度年次講演会)
- CFRPのひずみに伴う電気抵抗変化の多点同時測定
- ジュール発熱による電気抵抗変化を利用したCFRP構造物の層間はく離検知
- 発振周波数変化とスペクトル解析を用いたCFRP積層板のひずみ・損傷複数点同期無線測定(高精度な新非破壊検査技術)
- FW成形時の繊維うねりのモデル化
- インテリジェントタイヤ実用化のための表面形状を利用した三次元変形計測(自動車技術を支える材料力学)
- 模擬雷撃を加えたCFRP積層板の損傷挙動