OS0313 サーモグラフィによる回転曲げ疲労限度評価に及ぼす種々の影響因子(OS3-3 AE・超音波・赤外線,OS-3 非破壊評価と構造モニタリング1)
- 論文の詳細を見る
For the design of mechanical structures, the fatigue limit is indispensable. Therefore, it has been developed the simple evaluation method with thermography. In this method, the temperature change can be measured for the specimen under cyclic load, and the fatigue limit is corresponding to the inflection point the temperature starts to rise rapidly. It is largely unclear the mechanism of the between fatigue limit and temperature rise, though this method has been studied widely. In this study, we aim to clarify these mechanisms, we perform to investigate the effects of various factors influencing the temperature rise.
- 2011-07-16
- サーモグラフィによる回転曲げ疲労限度の評価
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- サーモグラフィによる回転曲げ疲労限度評価
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- OS0313 サーモグラフィによる回転曲げ疲労限度評価に及ぼす種々の影響因子(OS3-3 AE・超音波・赤外線,OS-3 非破壊評価と構造モニタリング1)
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