特別支援教育における2つの課題 : 「今さら」とこれからの問題(II <特集2>教員養成課程政策と特別支援政策・その現状と課題)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Formerly, the Japanese special education system which dealt with education for students with disabilities by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) was changed in 2007, to special needs education. This paper aims to outline two problems and provide further discussion on special needs education. It is necessary to leave room for discussion on the system even if it has already started: MEXT showed the numerical value of 6.3% students with disabilities in consideration of their individual educational needs in 2003 as a result of a survey, however, the methodology is false because teachers' judgment was used instead of proper diagnosis. The second is that a problem in the actual education is the difficulty of cooperation in support between the parents and the teachers. That sort of support needs the specialists of the psychological consultation leading the parents to understand their children with disabilities. However, the teacher in a coordinator role or in charge has to persuade them to go to the hospital. Cooperating in support between parents and teachers seems to be difficult in the MEXT system, and full-time psychologists and counselors should be required.
- 日本教育政策学会の論文
- 2010-07-10
- 360 受諾-拒否表現行動に及ぼす母子関係の影響(2)(母子相互作用,発達16,口頭発表)
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- 社会 543 大学生の学業生活像(2)
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- 2B-15 母親の依頼・要求に対する子どもの応答表現(5) : 受諾・遅延表現のリスク(発達2B)
- 2B-14 母親の依頼・要求に対する子どもの応答表現(4) : 拒否表現のリスク・応答型・母親の拒否的認知像(発達2B)
- 2B-13 母親の依頼・要求に対する子どもの応答表現(3) : 母親の態度・第一子・ひとりっ子(発達2B)
- 母親の依頼・要求に対する小学生の応答表現の発達--2年間の推移とその比較から
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- 特別支援教育における2つの課題 : 「今さら」とこれからの問題(II 教員養成課程政策と特別支援政策・その現状と課題)