教育政策研究の諸モデル : 規範性と実証性の関係再構築に向けて(I <特集1>教育政策研究の視角と方法)
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The paper attempts to answer the question of why, in the face of drastic educational reform over the past decade, education policy research has proven so incompetent for addressing real world issues. It focuses on the incompetence within the field and reconsiders research models, rather than advocates the field's direct utilization for policy-making. To classify types of policy research, the paper introduces a framework that consists of two dimensions. One is a distinction between prescriptive (or normative) and descriptive (or explanatory) studies of education policy; the other is that between the study of policy content and the study of its process. By crossing the two dimensions, we can distinguish four types of research: (1) prescriptive/content, (2) prescriptive/process, (3) descriptive/content, and (4) descriptive/process. Traditionally, prescriptive studies have mainly considered policy content, whereas descriptive studies have dealt with policy process; there have as yet been little communication between them. Although researchers admit the importance of presenting prescriptions as well as explanations, they have provided no research model for combining them. The author illustrates two new contrasting models: (a) an explanatory model on the basis of social reflexivity and (b) a normative model on the basis of publicness and the construction of trust.
- 日本教育政策学会の論文
- 2010-07-10
- 文部省の官房機能--機構面と人事面からの分析
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- 教育政策研究の諸モデル : 規範性と実証性の関係再構築に向けて(I 教育政策研究の視角と方法)
- 青木栄一著, 『教育行政の政府間関係』(VI 書評)
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