フランス七月王制期における制限選挙制度の論理 : 政治秩序、社会秩序、公共圏
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In the first half of the nineteenth-century, a system of restricted suffrage dominated the French political scenes. This article analyzes the debate in the Chamber of Deputies over electoral and municipal bills just after the July Revolution, in the hope of answering the following three questions : first, what was the condition necessary for participating in the politics? secondly, how was it logically legitimized? and thirdly, what kind of image did the ruling class hold politics and society? This article also tries to approach the above questions concretely by analyzing the reaction which the electoral and municipal laws met within the cities and rural areas. Three conclusions have been reached. First, three factions coexisted among the ruling class : the Movement Party, which regarded the possession of knowledge as the condition necessary for participating in politics ; the Resistance Party, which regarded the possession of wealth as the necessary condition; and the Legitimists and Republicans, who advocated universal male suffrage. Secondly, concerning the logic legitimizing these conditions, the Movement Party stressed the possession of knowledge and political interest, while the Resistance Party emphasized political interest. The Legitimists and the Republicans legitimized the universal suffrage by the fact that every person has political interests. Finally, the Movement Party held an image of elitist politics and a society stratified intellectually, the Resistance Party that of class politics and plutocracy, and the Legitimists and Republicans that of interest politics.
- 公益財団法人史学会の論文
- 2001-11-20
- カルロ・チポッラ著, (徳橋曜訳), 『経済史への招待』, 国文社, 2001年4月, 270+XXIV頁, 2,900円
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