C25 単純動作の連続的組合せに基づくスクワット運動の最適制御モデル(運動制御・センシングと評価)
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have formulated a successive three-link and three-joint optimal control model that reproduces human squat movements. The model successively optimizes the half-crouching process and the rising-up process of squat movements, and its criterion function consists of three kinds of energy costs, an center-of-gravity cost, and an input (torque-change) cost. We clarify its fundamental performance and factors indispensable for reproducing the same squat movements as humans. Consequently, the following results were obtained: (1) experimentally measured squat movements were successfully reproduced by appropriately adjusting the switching time when the half-crouching process ends and the rising-up process starts; (2) the energy costs and the center-of-gravity cost hardly affected the model's performance; (3) there existed the optimum switching time for each squat condition. These results suggest that the proposed model is effective as a model of the human squatting mechanism and that the switching time can be a factor involved strongly in human squat movements.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-10-30
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