- 論文の詳細を見る
This report introduces storage technology of fodder crops that is common in the viewpoint of herb storage and discusses the possibility of storage methods for biomass energy crops. The storage techniques of forage crops are called "haymaking" and "ensiling." Because haymaking is difficult due to rain during the harvest season, the Japanese farmer's choice is generally ensiling. Due to the condition of the weather and materials the biomass energy crop is similar to the forage crop, and thus it is though of as proper to examine based on ensiling. We carried out storage tests in sorghum 1st and 2nd cutting material by the bunker silo. The recovery of hemicellulose was more than 90%, and that of cellulose was approximately 100% altogether. These results suggest that the storage by silage fermentation was effective on the occasion of the storage of structural carbohydrates. We carried out a model examination in open-air storage to further the low-cost storage method. As a result, the hemicellulose was less than 100cm from the surface in the switchgrass, and less than 150cm from the surface in Erianthus, and 90% or more was able to be stored. It was less than 50cm from the surface with both materials and almost 100% of the cellulose was stored.
- 2013-07-20
服部 育男
加藤 直樹
農研機構 九州沖縄農業研究センター
服部 育男
服部 育男
加藤 直樹
我有 満
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