216403 管摩擦に及ぼす微細気泡の影響(一般05 流体力学・流体工学5)
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Recently, the effect of friction loss reduction by Micro-Bubble (MB) in ships was being studied intensively by using flat plate. However, in order to put micro bubbles in to practical use, it is necessary to comprehend the behavior of micro bubbles in various conditions. In this study, the effect of pipe frictional loss was studied by flowing MB water through a pipe. Experiments were carried out in three conditions 1) MB water through a pipe, 2) water purity and 3) temporal change. As the results, up to 24% of friction loss reduction by micro bubbles was obtained. 1) there is no obvious difference of friction loss was obtained in changing the tube diameter. 2) The frictional loss by using MB in pure water (ppm=0) is smaller compared to the tap water (ppm=77). 3) Shows that the frictional loss decreased as the smaller bubbles attached to the wall and increased as the bigger bubbles adhere to the wall.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-03-17
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