1305 右折車優先行動に伴う交差点交通流の変化(OS7-1 操作性・HMI・交通流,OS7 ヒューマンファクタ,オーガナイズド・セッション(OS))
- 論文の詳細を見る
This research attempts to evaluate the effect of prioritizing right-turn vehicle on traffic flow at a virtual signalized intersection. Traffic simulator calculates how much the prioritizing right-turn vehicle brings the effect on traffic efficiency and safety around the intersection. It was assumed that the driver of on-coming thru traffic receives a-priori information how many vehicles are blocked by the right-turn vehicle. The ratio of prioritizing right-turn vehicle is given as stochastic probability density functions versus the number of blocked vehicles. The more blocked vehicles gives much higher probability of right-turn prioritizing. Numerical analysis showed that even low probability of prioritizing right-turn vehicle brings significant improvement of traffic throughout and safety. Also, the effect is not very significant unless both inbound and outbound traffic execute right-turn vehicle prioritizing simultaneously.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-12-06
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