憲法起草と暫定政権期の政党政治 : ポスト・ムバーラク期のエジプトにおける政党間対立の分極化過程
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A diversity of new polities generated after the Arab Spring can be useful for analyzing party politics in the period of interim governments. Consultative processes between the interim rulers and the opposition parties can play several important roles both for establishing patterns of party systems and for forming interim governments. Thus, during a fierce tug-of-war over institutional building between two main political actors after the collapse of established authoritarian regimes, how do interim rulers attempt to maintain their vested interests, how does the largest opposition party intend to maximize its political power, and how do both behaviors interact with other political forces to form patterns of division and coalition among political parties in the new context of interim governments? To answer these questions, this article focuses on the effects of a series of consultative processes, including the constitution drafting, on intensifying ideological polarization between political forces. Strictly, it sees the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF)-led caretaker government in Egypt from mid-February 2011 until late June 2012 as a case of interim governments and argues that a series of consultative processes offered by interim rulers revealed and intensified ideological differences between Islamists and secularists and that their disagreement over the political issues of the new constitution made them difficult to unite each other against the SCAF and thus led to the continuation of the military-led caretaker government.
- 2013-07-15
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