北海道東部厚岸湾におけるアザラシ類による漁業被害 : 漁業者アンケートの解析2004-2007年
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We used a questionnaire survey to gather information on the damage caused by seals to fishing gear and captured fish during 2004-2007 around Akkeshi Bay in Eastern Hokkaido, Japan. The damage to the fishing gear consisted of damage to the small fixed shore net and the gill net. Nine seal-damaged fish species reported are as follows: ice fish (Salangichthys microdon), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii), Arctic rainbow smelt (Osmerus eperlanus mordax), righteye flounder (Pleuronectidae), Japanese surfsmelt (Hypomesus japonicas), capelin (Spirinchus lanceolatus), sailfin sandfish (Arctoscopus japonicus), saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis), and Japanese fluvial sculpin (Cottidae). These fish species were damaged by Kuril harbor seals and spotted seals. The percentage of fishery damage reported by local fishermen was 2.75 ± 3.53 % (range 0.39-7.92%) of the total catch of each damaged fish in Akkeshi Bay. Two main peaks were observed: one during early spring from March to April and the other during autumn from September to October.
- 2013-07-01
桜井 泰憲
石川 恭平
Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University
小林 由美
小林 由美
Sakurai Yasunori
Laboratory Of Marine Biosources Ecology Graduate School Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
桜井 泰憲
北大 大学院水産科学研究院
小林 由美
桜井 泰憲
風呂谷 英雄
桜井 泰憲
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- ニュウドウイカMoroteuthis robustaの各組織および胃内容物のジアシルグリセリルエ-テル成分〔英文〕
- 沿岸生態系の生物多様性保全と持続的漁業 : 知床世界自然遺産海域を例として(シンポジウム:「里海」の学術的基礎)
- 北海道太平洋側海域におけるマダラ雌の成熟過程および生殖周期〔英文〕
- マダラの耳石薄片法による年齢査定と成長様式
- III-2. Summary of Discussion
- 北海道東部厚岸湾におけるアザラシ類による漁業被害 : 漁業者アンケートの解析2004-2007年