がんの最新治療 各論(11)卵巣がんの治療
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Epithelial ovarian cancer and related cancers lead to 15,000 deaths in USA annually, representing the fifth leading cause of death from cancer among women. The morbidity and mortality of ovarian cancers is also increasing in Japan. The poor prognosis of ovarian cancer is usually attributed to advanced stage at diagnosis and developing resistant for combination chemotherapies. Currently accepted management to ovarian cancer is initial surgery, followed by adjuvant combination chemotherapy, while macroscopic complete surgery is often difficult in cases with advanced stage. The main purposes of operation to ovarian cancer is obtaining pathological definite diagnosis and attaining residual tumor as small as possible (debulking surgery). Recently, primary and interval debulking surgeries for pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenectomy, bowel resection, splenectomy and resection of peritoneum and diaphragm are performed in patients with advanced stage. The importance of chemotherapy in the treatment of ovarian cancer cannot be minimized, as cytoreductive surgery is one of the best weapons currently available to physicians for combating ovarian cancer.
- 2013-10-25
松井 英雄
野村 秀高
松井 英雄
松井 英雄
千葉大学 大学院生殖機能病態学
松井 英雄
千葉大学 大学院生殖機能病態学(産婦人科)
松井 英雄
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