- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether teachers' cooperation can bring considerable effects on remedial English classes at Japanese college. The result is considered both from teachers' and students' sides. Two teachers who share the same class cooperated and had 13 one-hour meetings once per week during one semester. Teachers recognized from this research four aspects of the effect of teachers' cooperation, that is, faculty development, teachers' mutual understanding and trustful relationship, setting and recognition of common goals, and multiple views for solving students' problems. The research also revealed two aspects of the effect on students' learning, such as active communication with teachers as well as among themselves and acquisition of English usage through repetitive practicing. Teachers' cooperation is thus effective in enhancing teacher's skill and improving educational environment in which students can develop their learning ability. In the future, we would like to expand teachers' cooperation from a smallest unit between two teachers to a larger unit among all the faculties in the English department, or with the other departments, to the extent that involves the whole college faculties and staffs.
- 日本リメディアル教育学会の論文
- 2008-03-31
- 英語基礎レベル学生を自律した学習者に育てる大学英語授業実践
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- 国立音楽大学生の英語学習意識
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