ホスピタリティに関する測定尺度の作成 : コールバーグの理論に基づく
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The purpose of this research is based on the overlap concepts of hospitality and ethics, invoked Kohlberg's theory of moral development, possibility of interpretation of measuring and evaluating hospitality. Kohlberg stated some dilemmatic cases and asked some questions for it. According to those answers from participants, he measured their level of development of ethics. This empirical research applied Rest's Defining Issues Test which translated by Yamagishi in Japanese to discuss the methods of measuring and evaluating of ethics. The researcher set up two new foreign and domestic dilemmatic cases which based on Yamagishi and Rest's six cases to test 178 students whose major in international tourism from Ryutsu Keizai University. The comparison of results from two methods of Yamagishi and Rest's and ours is mentioned in this article. We are sure that there is a significant relationship between the measurement results of new dilemmatic cases and whole research. So we firmly believe that new dilemmatic cases can be used to measure and evaluate hospitality.
- 2012-03-00