ある自閉的な子どもの小学校入学後6年目の追跡研究 : 統合保育後の人間関係の考察
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This report examines how an autistic child and normally developed children, who had been brought up together in an integration nursery, interacted each other for following six years in a regular elementary school. Some of the normally developed children played an important role to help the autistic child to adapt himself to the regular elementary school; for instance, they helped the autistic child to make new friends, and to get himself involved in the new environment (, which was not fully integrated.) With these examples, this six-years long survey makes clear that the integration nursery based on the concept of normalization enables the autistic child and the normally developed children to establish closer relationships after they get into the next step of education.
- 日本人間関係学会の論文
- 2006-12-30
- インクルージョンと現代の子どもの育ち
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- ある自閉的な子どもの小学校入学後6年目の追跡研究 : 統合保育後の人間関係の考察
- インクルージョン(包括)を目指す保育 : 障害児保育から考える(自主シンポジウム11)