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Since governmental frameworks for competitive funding programmes initiated various large-scale research projects have been implemented at existing and newly established research institutes. However, a managerial formula for these trials has yet to be set out at a university or public research institution level, hence it is urgently necessary to maximise the value of the outcomes through a strategic, operational and organisational approaches. In this report we reviewed the current context from the viewpoints of enlarged large competitive funding, crossorganisational collaboration and interdisciplinary/fusion-scientific initiatives. Then we pointed out three existing issues, endorsing post-funding evaluation, reflecting the results to the practices and returning the outcomes to social innovation. Then we argued significance of socioscientific study, in particular, econometrics, organisational management and managerial administration, providing two research cases. Finally, we discussed future perspectives, outstanding challenges and required actions for Japanese universities and public research institutions for further improvement.
- 2013-04-25
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