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Seven large fossil replicas of the museum "Utatsu Gyoryukan", severely damaged by the tsunami on 11th March 2011, were restored by the authors. The replicas represent ichthyosaurian fossils embedded in slabs, approximately one to three meters long, made of plaster of Paris and fiberglass reinforced plastic, and painted with unknown substances. The replicas suffered from the loss of parts and paints, as well as numerous cracks and fragmentation which sometimes made their original condition unrecognizable. The restoration process encountered various challenges. First of all, it was difficult to determine the specific details of restoration to make a normal work order and business contract, due to lack of time, information about the original condition, or skilled technicians. Due to a shortage of funding, it was impossible to transport the replicas to a well-equipped lab, and no monetary support was available to improve local working environments. Two basic policies were essential to the success of our restoration, and they will be so in similar situations as well. One is the flexibility to modify pre-set restoration plans; despite an earlier visit to study the replicas to determine the restoration procedures, there were missed damage and unexpected challenges, and it was necessary to modify original plans accordingly. The second policy is the cooperation of nearby institutions. A number of conditions (e.g., temperature, waste management, equipment) need to be utilized to complete the restoration, and the cooperation of the two host institutions was crucial to complete the project. Japan is subject to frequent natural disasters, and we should consider a nation-wide system to support the restoration of damaged specimens and exhibits. The two basic policies, as well as the practical problems mentioned above, should be taken into account to establish and operate such a system.
- 2013-03-31
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