ファウスト的カイン像 : バイロンの実存主義への覚醒
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This paper aims to show that Byron tries to give a new interpretation of Cain in Genesis. The protagonist in Cain is possessed by despairs, which Kierkegaard would call "the sickness unto death." His Faustian impulse, which is the desire to get the ultimate knowledge, would result from the anxiety where he cannot identify who he is in the world. Yet, by having knowledge beyond the human realm, he would break a Christian taboo: he would commit the sin of pride, which is one of the seven deadly sins. It is natural that the protagonist such as Cain should be cast into Hell as Satan in Paradise Lost in the traditional Christian view. However, if the Christian conception of good and evil should overturn as in the Nietzschean thought, the protagonist's anxiety would become existentialistic. In analyzing Byron's Cain in comparison with the philosophy of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, this paper tries to see Byron not as one of the later Romantics but rather as a pre-existentialistic poet.
- 2013-03-31
- Byronが描く19世紀ギリシャの肖像 : Childe Harold's Pilgrimage第2巻が創り出す記憶
- Childe Haroldの変貌 : 作家、読者、「メディア」の相互作用におけるテクストの醸成 (九州英文学研究 第28号)
- ファウスト的カイン像 : バイロンの実存主義への覚醒
- Byron、Kierkegaard、Nietzscheへ : ファウスト的衝動からみる実存主義の系譜
- W.シン版『チョーサー全集』(1532年)にみるテクスト領有 : ヘンリソンの『クレシドの遺言』挿入と本文改稿
- 架空の自我と匿名出版 : Beppo に住まう「私」の不安
- チョーサーを読むバイロン : 虚構と現実を「メディア」で繋ぐ『ドン・ジュアン』
- 変容する語り手 : 1816年の Childe Harold's Pilgrimage と Byron の絶望