中国における不動産バブルの発生要因 : 地域発展戦略の視点から
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In this paper, regarding the causes of the real estate bubble in China, I raise the factors of the regional development strategies which have not been brought up in the analyses to date, and I clarify the inducing of the real estate bubble and the mechanism participating therein. Region-led regional development strategies get promoted in status to so-called "national strategies" after gaining the approval of the national government, and the active support of central government for the development of the relevant region is expected. On the financial markets tension from regional economic growth and land supply is predicted, and speculative money from all over the country flows into the real estate sector, with the result that a real estate bubble arises. This paper, by means of a case example analysis of the Hainan International Tourism Island, sheds light on the actual situation and mechanism thereof.
- 2012-10-01
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