アメリカの教育統治の変質と教育行政研究の課題 : 学校民営化と学校選択を中心として(論点の検証と問い直し・2,戦後日本の教育行政研究(3)-教育行政学の固有性を問う,I 年報フォーラム)
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After the 1990's when we consider educational administration, especially about the "dismantling of public education" or the "privatization of education, "educational politics becomes remarkable not only in Japan but in the United States, as Ichikawa points out. This paper examines how educational governance in the U. S. has changed and what kinds of impacts this trend has influenced in educational administration research, taking into account "social awareness" and "value consciousness." Privatization concerns the transfer of responsibility for education service and supply from government/public agencies (that is, states and local school districts) to profit and nonprofit business entities. Privatization was promoted together with the theory of school choice after the middle of the 1980's. The expansion of EMOs and specialty-service providers is a typical example of such privatization. According to the statistics of research organizations, the registered numbers of students of schools which the Edison Company manages, for example, is 59, 701. Many charter schools are managed by EMOs. The NCLB law enacted in 2001 also supports this trend. Various kinds of reform were attempted in the first half of the 1980s, but these reforms did not bring the expected results because they were actually only reforms of the existing system. Therefore, radical reform that included education governance reform was demanded in the latter half of the 1980's. "A Nation at Risk" in 1983 and "Politics, Markets, and America's Schools" written by Chubb and Moe in 1990, offered rationales for school choice. Though school choice and school privatization were insisted on loudly in 1980s in the education system, the goals of American education (democratic equality, social efficiency, and social mobility) were pursued historically in American society. There are conflicting perspectives in the basics of these educational purposes. One of these is the perspective of seeing education as either a public good or a private good. The goal of the social mobility of education was strengthened in the 1980s, and school choice and school privatization came to be introduced. Much criticism has been given of education reformers in support of choice and contracts. In their answer to these criticisms, reformers have pushed forward studies about regulated markets to cope with the criticism. The critics have made their attacks based on the ideology of pro-choice theory, and there is little research about how we regulate markets. Though the author was free of value judgments about the legitimacy or availability of school choice or privatization in the days of the preeminence of the market, researchers in America as well as Japan rarely pursue the ways in which the best regulations might function in educational markets. We have to now go deep into new educational administration research.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 2007-10-12
- 長尾彰夫・和佐眞宏・大脇康弘編, 『学校評価を共に創る-学校・教委・大学のコラボレーション-』, 学事出版, 2003年
- アメリカの教育統治の変質と教育行政研究の課題 : 学校民営化と学校選択を中心として(論点の検証と問い直し・2,戦後日本の教育行政研究(3)-教育行政学の固有性を問う,I 年報フォーラム)
- 教育ネットワーク支援のための教育行政システムの構築(教育行政の社会的基盤,I 年報フォーラム)