「先取り研究」と「研究の有用性」(VI 私の教育行政学論)
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In this paper, the author discusses the necessity of "Head-start Research" and "Utility of Research" in educational administration research in Japan from the following three viewpoints. (1) "Head-start research" and "catch-up research." Generally, educational administration research in Japan has been started in order to catch up only after a certain policy has been implimented or an administrative measure has already been taken. Regardless of whether it is theoretical or practical, it is expected that educational administration research should be consciously and positively oriented to "head-start". (2) Contribution to educational policy-making and reform. In the 34th annual conference of the Japan Educational Administration Society (1999), "the utility of educational administration research in educational policy-making and reform" was discussed. This was done with the aim of recognizing "the social significance" of educational administration research and enhancing it. (3) Integration of theory and practice. It is expected that excellent theories will be put into practice and that from fruitful practice improved theories will result. Cooperative research is needed from both the theoretical and practical sides of things. For "Reality without an ideal is blind, and an ideal without reality is vacant".
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 2000-10-13
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- 「先取り研究」と「研究の有用性」(VI 私の教育行政学論)
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