イギリスにおける学校選択の自由化政策の効果 : 三つの大都市地方教育当局における中等学校長への調査の分析(II 研究報告)
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The purpose of this study is to estimate influences of the open enrolment policy on secondary schools in England. Open enrolment was introduced by the Education Reform Act 1988 (ERA). It has been the most important educational act since the Education Act of 1944. One of the purposes of the ERA is to raise educational standards. To achieve this, the Government introduced a more competitive quasi-market approach. The two most important measures, in terms of the development of a market, have been open enrolment and local management of schools. In theory, open enrolment was to give parents more power by offering them their choice of school. To estimate the effectiveness of the open enrolment policy, all secondary headteachers (117) in maintained schools in three metropolitan Local Education Authorities (Birmingham, Liverpool, Sheffield) were targeted and a questionnaire was sent to them. The three Local Education Authorities were selected because in these urban areas, there are a variety of schools which parents can apply to according to their preferences. The response rate in this study was 72.6%. Examined were effects of the open enrolment policy as they differ between oversubscribed and other schools. The analysis had two parts. The first examined headteachers' opinions about open enrolment and its consequences in respect of: 1. Oversubscription. 2. Headteachers' attitudes. 3. Competition for pupils among schools. 4. Educational standards. 5. School choice. The second part compared an oversubscribed group to a non-oversubscribed group in terms of actual reactions to open enrolment. It was found that open enrolment had led to more competition for pupils among schools, and parental choice of school was actually unfair. There were relationships between opinions on educational standards and oversubscription. Non-oversubscribed schools did not see open enrolment as beneficial to raise educational standards. As for reactive activities, it was clarified that almost all the headteachers were taking marketing strategies. Regardless of schools' subscriptions, the headteachers were making an increased effort to secure admissions. As long as they cannot resist market forces in reality, a quasi-market approach has the possibility to raise educational standards. However, the majority of headteachers, whose schools were non-oversubscribed schools, do not have confidence that open enrolment will raise educational standards. Therefore, if they try to make increased efforts (but without confidence), it would not succeed in raising educational standards in the long run.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1996-09-27
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- オーストラリア・クイーンズランド州のクイーンズランド・コア・スキルズ・テスト
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