地教行法体制40年の軌跡と今日の教育行政(政界再編と地教行法体制,I 年報フォーラム)
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After World War II, a drastic reform of the educational system was carried out in Japan and the American system of a board of education was introduced for the first time. Later, in 1956, the Law on the Board of Education was abolished and the new Law on the Organization and Operation of Local Educational Administration was enacted. Three basic principles of the educational administration system were then weakened-its democracy, decentralization, and independence. In this paper, the historical changes in educational administration during the 40 years from that time to nowadays are described roughly through the three periods: (1) Showa 30s/1955-64, (2) Showa 40s-50s/1965-84, and (3) Showa 60s-Heisei 8/1985-96. The first period is a time when policies and actions were adopted and promoted mainly to "normalize" what was called the confused and "ideologically prejudiced education" after the war by the conservatives. The second is a time when various conditions (both exteria and interia) of education were arranged and expanded under the initiative, leadership and auspices of the central government. Consequently, educational administration was gradually centralized or concentrated while local education and schools were paralyzed, thus producing various problems. The third era has been a time when proposals to reform such problems were again made by a newly formed advisory commission named the "Temporary Commission on Education," with subsequent actions then being taken. The Japanese Liberal Democratic Party, however, which continued to win overwhelming majorities in the Diet from its formation in 1955, lost its majority and the reigns of government at the beginning of Heisei Era (in 1994). Political power has thus been pluralized with political circles constantly in flux. Though the reforms of education have been promoted along the fundamental design of the Temporary Commission of Education, the prospect of the future state of local educational administration is very opaque, particularly as the distribution of parties in Diet will likely change greatly in the next general election. In any case, it is necessary, to promote the decentralization of educational administration more strongly, especially concerning the establishment of the Do Shu Sei (the general system of larger and stronger municipalities being above the existing prefectures) and to set up such governing boards of schools composed of representatives of parents, teachers, citizens, etc. as is seen in many countries today.
- 1996-09-27
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- 地教行法体制40年の軌跡と今日の教育行政(政界再編と地教行法体制,I 年報フォーラム)
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