教育関係団体の地方教育政策形成への関与 : 主に教育関係団体へのアンケート調査結果に基づく考察(VI 研究報告)
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This paper, mainly based on a questionnaire to various educational groups, clarifies the participation of such educational groups in the process of educational policy-making in local government, especially in terms of the establishment of a no-grade credit system high school. This paper consists of the following two sections: (1) the degree and form of activities of educational groups, (2) their role and influence on educational policy-making. In addition, the following two functions of educational groups are analysed: (1) transmitting function, (2) function of democratization. This paper deals with the following prefectural educational groups, associations of secondary school principals, associations of high school principals, associations of secondary school assistant principals, associations of high school assistant principals, secondary school PTAs, high school PTAs and unions of high school teachers. The most active groups are the unions of high school teachers and the associations of high school principals. But the form of activities is different between these groups. The activities of the latter is doubtful of voluntarity. And associations of high school principals have a high self-evaluation about their influence, but the influence is actually limited to backing up policy. This means that associations of high school principals have a transmitting function which notifies others of the views and information from government offices, but it is doubtful that these associations have a substantial transmitting function from members of the group to government offices or that these associations have substantial function of democratization. The activities of unions of high school teachers have autonomy. These unions also have a high self-evaluation about their influence on some policies. It means that these unions have a transmitting function from members of the group to government offices on some policies more substantially than associations of high school principals. But the policies on which these unions have high influence are, for example personnel matters, and other policies which affect teachers' interests directly. It means that as to the function of democratization these unions represent foremost not the views of children, parents or the public but teachers' views.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1994-10-01
- 専門職者とクライアントとの関係 : 医療におけるインフォームド・コンセントの教育学への示唆
- 教育関係団体の地方教育政策形成への関与 : 主に教育関係団体へのアンケート調査結果に基づく考察(VI 研究報告)