学習指導要領の役割 : 学習指導要領が教師の自由な教育活動を妨げているか(I 論説)
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The national government and the local authorities intend to keep the balance between uniformity of their national curriculums and originality of school curriculums in countries around the world. In Japan, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture lays down the "Course of Study", which presents national guidelines for the curriculum for each of the four school levels. Each school organizes its own curriculum in accordance with the provisions of relevant statutes and course of study. This procedure is regarded as reasonable by most teachers and parents in Japan, because uniformity and homogeneity are charactaristics of Japanese culture and social climate. In adition, a large number of teacher does not think that the course of study prevents them from doing daily independent activities. As the standard describes minimum essentials for school curriculum, teachers are expected to create their own school curriculum. In the revised course of studies that was officially announced in March 1989, the expression "school must plan the curriculum" was changed into the expression "each school must plan the curriculum." It means that fundamentally teachers devise their own curriculum in each school. I think the school based curriculum development (SBCD), a term that occurs in many countries in recent years, (for example, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, etc.) will be important for innovating school activities. At the same time, I think it is important for the enrichment of teaching contents and the improvement of teaching methods that the school principal, vice principal, leading teachers, teachers, parents and other members of the community develop their original curriculum cooperatively with the leadership of the supervisor of the board of education.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1991-10-05
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- 学習指導要領の役割 : 学習指導要領が教師の自由な教育活動を妨げているか(I 論説)