大学院国際化の現状と課題(V 研究報告)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This is an analysis of the present state of internationalization of Japanese graduate schools that accept and instruct a large number of foreign students. For this research data concerning the following factors were collected to evaluate the extent of internationalization of graduate programs in Japan: First, the quality of studies at a graduate school. It should be high enough to meet international academic standards. Second, the capacity to give Japanese and foreign students equal opportunities to make the most of their individual abilities and characteristics. In other words, foreign students should not be treated as a special group just because they are foreigners. Third, use of several internationally prevailing foreign languages in addition to Japanese for instruction and study. Fourth, proper acquisition of master's and doctor's degree. Fifth, higher proportion of foreign students in student body. The survey was conducted on the deans of 406 graduate courses with an admission capacity of five or more students to doctoral pragrams, which represented 91.6 percent of the total 460 graduate schools with doctoral courses. We also conducted another depth survey in ten restricted fields of science, mostly in engineering and agriculture on a total of 351 senior professors-representing three each per program. The results showed that the number of foreign students enrolled in doctoral courses was not so small as anticipated. However, it differed greatly depending on fields of study, and the circumstances were not entirely satisfactory in the light of the forementioned internationalization factors. Evaluated in the light of internationalization factors, agriculture and engineering courses ranked top, followed by science, medical education and humanity studies and social science courses were the lowest. It is thought that internationalization will be materialized little by little through nothing but experience of receiving foreign students actively and taking practical action to solve various problems caused by such reception. It seems common that foreign students are admitted on special quota and with treatment outside the general admission practice. In universities there is not definite set number of places for foreign students. The analysis of the answers from the senior professors shows that at the graduate schools having a lot of foreign students the number of the teachers who answered that they "want to receive more foreign students" was small and the number of the teachers who answered that they "want to maintain the status quo" was large. At present the ratio of foreign students at the institutions which have been accepting many foreign students accounts for, at maximum, 20 percent or so of the total number of the graduate student body. This percentage would make a temporary standard in setting up a special quota for foreign student admissions. Local public and private schools can afford to receive more foreign students. By course, science and medical education courses are supposed to have more room for foreign students. These two courses were next to agriculture and engineering courses obtaining large points in terms of internationalization. As for humanity studies and social science courses, the difficulty in degree acquisition was a big obstacle to their foreign student reception.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1986-10-10
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- 大学院国際化の現状と課題(V 研究報告)
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