- 論文の詳細を見る
According to a recent government survey, 92.1% of elementary schools in Japan have introduced English classes by 2004. One major controversy over English education in elementary schools is how effective it is in Japan's EFL context, as distinct from an ESL context such as that in Singapore. This study addresses a lack of objective data by providing actual empirical evidence on the effectiveness of English language instruction at the elementary school level. In the school years of 2003 and 2004, 1,466 elementary school students from two different schools (School 'A' and School 'B') were given English proficiency tests. School 'A' provides English instruction at school and School 'B' does not The test scores show that students in School 'A' outperformed those at School 'B'. hi addition, all students were divided into four groups: (1) students who had English instruction both at school and outside of school; (2) students who had English instruction only at school; (3) students who had instruction only outside of school; and (4) students who did not have any English instruction. Test scores among these groups were compared and the statistical data show that students in Group (1) outperformed students in the other three groups, and students in Groups (2) and (3) outperformed students in Group (4). Furthermore, the results outlined how the English ability of students for each of the four groups improves year by year. The authors believe that the data obtained from this study will provide the basis for a fruitful discussion on English education in elementary schools in Japan.
- 関東甲信越英語教育学会の論文
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