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A study was made in search for an effective washing method of summer time clothes labeledas "not allowed to be washed by home laundry". Cotton and rayon clothes were selected assamples. Two washing methods were examined. With A method, a towel containing ca. 210%tap water and standard detergent usage was placed on the neck soiled sample and beaten forseveral minutes. The detergent was removed by the beating with a towel containing freshwater. With S method according to the suggestion of S Co. Ltd, a towel containing ca. 140%tap water used and beaten in the same way. Color changes, yellowing, were measured with acolor difference meter for the samples of the seven times washed by A and S method and forthe samples of the once washed and afterward kept for seven days. The changes in the verticaland horizontal directions were measured after the corresponding washings.It was found that A method was superior to S method in not causing the yellowing. Thedimensional changes resulting from A method washing increased to ca. 4% with the openingpercentage of the clothes. However, the changes resulting from S method were less than 1%.These results indicate that A method removes effectively the excreted lipid but the presence ofexcessive water causes the dimensional changes.
- 2013-03-10
牛腸 ヒロミ
牛腸 ヒロミ
牛腸 ヒロミ
上西 朋子
荒井 美帆
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