「子ども文化」の再生と生活文化 〜体育科教育を切り口として〜
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The purpose of this study was to consider how to get back the real power of the children'sown culture in their daily life. To play innocently was considered to be a matter of greatimportance for their healthy growing, but today's modernized life reduced the time for them toenjoy their own culture with their heart pounding. To think about this issue, the authorcaptured the possibility of physical education in the elementary school.The analysis first showed the value of time for the children to play sufficiently from theviewpoint of physical development and inner experience. Secondly it treated with the findingsthat today's class of physical education showed strong inclinations to stress on having thestudents experience that sport is essentially full of fun. These considerations suggested that theclass of physical education could be the chance to get the power of children's own culture andwe needed to pay attention about the ability of the teacher for bringing up their students' playmind.The conclusion was that the teacher's attitude of loving sports could be a key to reconstructthe power of the children's own culture and good for creating the quality life.
- 2013-03-10
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