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This essay examines the characteristics of the philosophy of language of the Vaibhasikas and Sautrantikas (i.e., of Vasubandhu) discussed in the Abhidharmakosabhasya by consulting the Sphutartha Abhidharmakosavyakhya by Yasomitra and the Tattvarthanama Abhidharmakosabhasyatlka of Sthiramati, the two major Indian commentaries to the text. The Vaibhasika scholars claim that nama (name), pada (phrase) and vyanjana (syllable), which are cittaviprayuktasamskaras (conditioned forces dissociated from mind), are real linguistic existents. They maintain that these three linguistic elements exist as independent dharmas. The Vaibhasikas understand that the linguistic elements in mind (nama, pada and vyanjana) have one-to-one correspondence with a certain object or a certain phenomenon, and express a fixed meaning. The Sautrantika scholars, on the other hand, only admit physical sounds as real existents of the linguistic elements. There is no need to admit the existence of vyanjana (syllable) separate from sounds, and nama and pada are temporary mental constructions that exist only as a continuum of physical sounds. Therefore, in order to understand the meaning of a certain object or a certain phenomenon, there must be limitations on sounds determined by linguistic conventions. The Vaibhasika and the Sautrantika scholars engaged in contentious disputes over the process how linguistic activities that allow us to know external objects. How the scholars of these two schools analyzed the working of language is considered to be the climax of the development of Abhidharma Buddhism in the Indian Buddhist scholastic world.
- 2012-12-22
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