大震災後のジャーナリズム・スタディーズ : 媒介・メディア化されるリスク・危機・災害(<特集>震災後のメディア研究,ジャーナリズム研究)
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The Great East Japan Earthquake is the largest crisis Japan has faced since the end of World War II in 1945. In a world that has become more interconnected and interdependent, communication is increasingly dictated by the media, and disasters have become more common and oftentimes more catastrophic. The effects of disasters also exceed national boundaries through mediation and mediatization; the emotional and humanitarian impact of disasters as well as political responses to them also resonate around the globe. In addition to disasters, the mediation and mediatization of risks and crises have also occurred through the local and global flow of information in an increasingly global age. Risks and crises are also influenced by repeated news coverage and a flourishing social media. How are risks, crises, and disasters constituted in today's complex media environment and how do they become culturally meaningful and politically important? Not only are these valuable questions for journalistic practices, they also require an increased awareness and thoughtful consideration and should be addressed in journalism studies. This paper discusses these fundamental questions for journalistic practices and journalism studies which need to be answered in both a national and global context following the Great East Japan Earthquake.
- 2013-01-31
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