メドヴェージェフ兄弟による「原子力収容所Atomic Gulag」認識の舞台裏 : ジョレス&ロイ共著『回想Из Воспоминаний (Memoirs)1925-2010』によせて
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I have long wanted to know how and why the Medvedev brothers were able to write their well-known works,such as The Rise and Fall of Lysenko (1969) by Zhores, or Let History Judge (1970) by Roy. These works were initially only distributed as samizdat copies among rather small dissident groups, during the former USSR era, and they seldom gave enough information sources. The brothers' recent book; Memoirs 1925-2010[Iz Vospominnanii 1925-2010](2010) ; of which the Japanese version was published last November, includes the authorities and witnesses for their early works, which they were never able to disclose under the KGB suppressing system. The brothers also share with us a great deal of interesting information from that period, especially on unknown exchanges between Zhores & Roy Medvedev brothers and writers, editors, scientists and artists who were famous in 1960s and 1970s. Finally, I try to explain the background for the concept of`Atomic Gulag', which they originally set out in their book ; Unknown Stalin (2001), in particular, I focus on who and what were the major influences on the twin brothers as they developed this concept.
- 2013-03-31
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- メドヴェージェフ兄弟による「原子力収容所Atomic Gulag」認識の舞台裏 : ジョレス&ロイ共著『回想Из Воспоминаний (Memoirs)1925-2010』によせて