統合失調症者の認知機能障害が生活技能に及ぼす影響 : 就労及び就労継続に必要なスキルに着目して
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In the study, we examined the factors which affect the skills which are required or partially required for working with 38 schizophrenic patients. We collected background information on the subjects such as age, sex, medical history, age at the initial visit and education, and then evaluated the subjects' cognitive function by the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), Brief Assessment for Cognition in Schizophrenia Japanese version (BACS-J) and Life Assessment Scale for the Mentally Ill (LASMI). Working memory, motor function, and attention and information-processing rate were evaluated by using digit sequencing test, Token Motor Task and symbol coding test, respectively. Correlation analyses revealed that skills required for working had significant correlations with education, verbal memory and learning, working memory, motor function, and composite score. As of skills partially required for working, correlations were observed with motor function, attention and information-processing rate, and composite score. In addition, multiple regression analyses suggested that required skills were influenced by verbal memory and learning, while partially required skills were influenced by attention and information-processing rate.
- 2013-03-30
朝倉 起己
中村 泰久
新宮 尚人
聖隷クリストファー大学 リハビリテーション学部 作業療法学専攻
新宮 尚人
朝倉 起己
中村 泰久
- 我が国作業療法の現状と今後の展望
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- 統合失調症者の認知機能障害が生活技能に及ぼす影響 : 就労及び就労継続に必要なスキルに着目して
- 早期精神病者への作業療法の実際と課題 : グループインタビューによる一考察
- 偶然と必然