教科体育における競争と共生の止揚の試み : 組織論に着目して
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The purpose of this study is two-fold: The first is, from the viewpoint of improving the quality of sports culture, to regulate the attempt at emotional uplift concerning rivalry and conviviality in physical education as a school subject; and what sports mean by considering the concept of conviviality in cases of rivalry. The second is to suggest the possibility of conviviality and the stages of support to realize this in physical education as a school subject. As a result of a theoretical discussion of these points, we came to the following conclusions: 1. The result was that we took closer notice of the competitive effect in sports activities. In this study we defined rivalry as a regular arrangment of superiority or inferiority in sports activities. We further defind conviviality as the goal of activities not only for recognizing each person's individuality but also for making mutual relationships positive. It is important that the aim of physical education as a school subject is a convivial activity which enhances synergistic effects, such as cooperation and encouragement, including the relative effect on rivalry. 2. In education in the future, we must consider a way in which to urge a system of organization that emphasizes the mutual connection of one individual to another, while remaing concerned about the individual. As for support, we have developed ideas (1) that give meaningful information, (2) that emphasize dialogue and respect for an atmosphere of discussion, and (3) that lead to the assimilation of desirable activities indirectly into self-evaluation by students. Through these supports, we consider that by learning to recognize the exist of one individual to another, a team is coordinated well and as a result of this, voluntary participation and the sense of cooperation show themselves naturally. By repetitive education based on intelligence through experience and empathy which are supported by mutual understanding through dialogue, a flexible associational network system between the team and individual is begun and sports culture which respects a relationship to others is established.
- 日本体育・スポーツ経営学会の論文
- 1996-03-15
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