Pb-243 叩解パルプのセルラーゼ処理(2.技術,ポスターセッション2)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Paper made of 70% waste paper pulp was defibered in water and beaten by Niagara beater for 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. The Canadian standard freeness of each beaten pulp was 399, 206, 121, 57 and 34, respectively. The beaten pulps were hydrolyzed by a cellulase cocktail for 2 and 25 hours. Beating to a freeness of 206 was very effective for the improvement of the glucose yield. However, excess beatings did not change the yield. This result is probably because further beating led to excess external fibrillation and enhanced fiber aggregation to decrease the surface area.
- 2012-12-25
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