O-102 炭化物を用いた木質バイオマス熱分解時のタール回収と高収率な固体燃料製造(セッション1:炭化)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Carbonization of woody biomass generally leads to a char yield only of 20?30% and large part of intrinsic chemical energy of the feed biomass is lost as volatile matters such as tar. The present study carried out experiments on tar recovery during carbonization of the feed biomass with the char that was produced in advance. The resultant char adsorbing the tar in it can be utilized as fuel. The carbonization temperature was 400, 500 and 600℃ and the temperature range of the char particle layer for tar recovery was set around 200?400℃. The char yield decreased with increasing the carbonization temperature, but total yield of the char and recovered tar was the maximum, 51% at 500℃. The total energy yield of the char and recovered tar was more than 70% at 500 and 600℃, while the energy yield of char alone was less than 35%.
- 2012-12-25
- (187)課題探求型グループ学習 : 材料化学工学分野の初年次創成教育として(セッション54 創成教育VII)
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- O-102 炭化物を用いた木質バイオマス熱分解時のタール回収と高収率な固体燃料製造(セッション1:炭化)
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