技術士第二次試験に挑戦するJABEE 修了者
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The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the statistical data of the examinees of the ProfessionalEngineer-Jp (PE-Jp) exams and recognitions of the JABEE program among corporate personnel managers. Tounderstand the recent situations of the exams, we focused on the graduates of the JABEE Program and comparedthem to examinees with other educational backgrounds. We also conducted a questionnaire survey to see how muchthe JABEE Program is acknowledged among personnel managers of companies. In conclusion, we suggest thatmore faculty members of National Colleges of Technology should take the PE-Jp exams for both educational andtechnological purposes.
- 2012-03-00
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- 技術士第二次試験に挑戦するJABEE 修了者
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