- 論文の詳細を見る
It is necessary that deformation of products under external forces is grasped in case of producing industrialproducts. However, there are few opportunities to study mechanics theories sufficiently by experiments on thecourse of electricity and control system engineering, although generalizations of equilibrium of forces and momentsare lectured on the classes of physics and applied physics. In our college, experiments of structural mechanics arecarried out as one of ten themes on the class of electrical and control system engineering experiments of theadvanced course of electricity and control system engineering. Fundamental mechanics theories such as elasticityand theories on structural mechanics on deflection of beam are explained. The experiments of structural mechanicsare carried out by measuring deflection of simple beam to verify these mechanics theories. In this paper, theoverview of explanation of these mechanics theories and experiments of structural mechanics are described.
- 2012-03-00
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