- 論文の詳細を見る
There is a controversial issue in spiritual care: can we differentiate mental and psychological pain from spiritual pain? Some clinicians state we should be able to separate the former from the latter. Others tell us that these are so interrelated that we cannot often distinguish one from the other. The author argues that both are so mingled that we cannot detect the difference in practice, while it is important to keep the difference in mind when dealing with theory. And the author believes that in Japan where the tradition of pastoral care has been absent, psychiatrists and clinical psychologists inevitably have been wrestling with patients' and clients' spiritual or existential matters. Lastly, the author gets into the concept of amae. Amae, 'desire to be love', 'the wish to be loved', 'the wish to be taken care of', 'the wish to cling to loved objects', or 'dependency wishes', is key in understanding the psychoanalytical concept of transference, he asserts. In his conclusion, in spiritual care settings Westerners should try their best to recognize their amae, while Japanese should use their amae as an asset for the sake of their own, patients' or clients' self-awareness. In addition, the author concludes that all health care professionals should take part, in their own right, in treating patients' or clients' spiritual pain.
- エンパワーメント実践においてpoliticalであること
- 日本的スピリチュアリティの定義を求めて : 1つの試み
- 日本的スピリチュアリティの定義を求めて : 1つの試み
- インフォームド・コンセント : アメリカにおけるその生成・発展および日本におけるその受容のあり方
- スピリチュアリティと意味(meaning)
- 精神・心理的ペインとそのケア及びスピリチュアルペインとそのケア