教員養成の未来を展望する(総括,III シンポジウム)
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1. The Characteristics That Teachers Are Asked to Have. The characteristics that teachers are expected to possess can be divided into three areas : special expertise on subjects, special expertise in the teaching profession, and general education. Special expertise on subjects involves not only knowledge of one's own field but also with regard to different school kinds and teaching environments. Thus, these must be seen as different than specialized knowledge in universities and graduate schools. Special expertise in the teaching profession includes knowledge of class management and other skills acquired through on-the-spot experience. The area of 'general education' is thought to be a socially universal education, including knowledge of the Constitution. Moreover in Japan adopting long-term social experiences is also considered meaningful as a way of teacher training. 2. Re-Defining the Specialization License. Though a basic teaching license naturally requires that licentiates possess the above three areas of expertise in 'sufficient balance', there are some problems with the present specialization license. For example the curriculum is not considered suitable when it exceeds the level of expertise required by the basic license. In other words, the field of the license is not necessarily clear. It should be possible to classify a teacher's expertise by the contents of their speciality into the acquisition of subject knowledge and their capability in connection with school management, personnel management and educational administration. 3. Positioning of Special Licensees. The issued number of special licenses is alarmingly few. So the abolition of the term of validity and the requirements for being a university graduate have been proposed with a view towards 'practical use' promotion. Although such special license holders do not pass through the cultivation stage of becoming a teacher, they often possess the same knowledge and skill as specialization license holders. 4. The System of Updating Teacher Licensing and the Teacher Training System. The Central Council for Education took a negative position for updating the system's introduction and proposed the implementation of training based on the construction of personnel management for teachers who show poor leadership skills, performance record consultations for teachers with 10 years experience, and so on. Even without considering the completeness and diversification of content issues in teacher training, the evaluation of training and the practical use of training results will be a challenge regardless of whether it is conducted in public or in private. The teacher's ability influences the quality of education in schools directly. And we cannot overlook the inclusion of the accountability of parents within the specialty nature of a teacher who can create a school which is a better 'place of learning'. The expectation for teachers to create an 'open-school' by drawing on the cooperation of the local community is also great. In reforming the education system it can be said that to the extent that teachers can demonstrate their professional expertise, i.e., advanced special knowledge and techniques that clearly distinguish them from nonprofessionals, the system will flourish. Also, their ability to promote collaboration with parents and local residents, (who are not specialists) is of great importance.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 2002-10-04
- はじめに
- 戦後日本における障害者法制の軌跡(情報バリアフリーとしてのユニバーサル・サービス)
- 電子政府と情報ネットワーク法(電子政府と電子情報)
- フリースクールの現状と課題 : 不登校問題の一断面
- まとめに代えて
- VII. 補論 : 卒業生の動向 : 数学同窓会に所属する卒業生へのアンケート調査から
- VI. 女性教員のライフステージに関わる法制度
- V. 女性管理職の研修と登用
- IV 女性教員のキャリア・パスと10年経験者研修
- III 教員採用サポートの方向性 : 福岡教育大学の事例を参考に
- II 教員採用の動向 : 近年の女性教員の採用を中心に
- I 教育改革の動向と教員の養成・研修
- 教員採用試験と研修制度の現状と課題 : 女性教員に寄せて
- 教員採用試験と研修制度の現状と課題--女性教員に寄せて
- 教員給与決定・運用のメカニズムの研究(一) : 教員給与決定・運用の法制度とその構造(教員給与の政策と制度改革に関する比較研究-日本,アメリカ,イギリス-)
- まとめに代えて
- はじめに
- 改正教育基本法と教育改革・教育法制の現在 : 新自由主義と新保守主義のインパクト(第49回研究大会シンポジウム 現今の教育法制の改変と図書館)
- 司書教諭の現状と教職員の司書教諭に対する協働意識
- 私立中高一貫教育の総合的研究
- 「許容される体罰」論の限界とその転換 : 1980年代以降の公立学校における体罰判例を中心に
- 公立学校教員と措置要求制度 ; 判例分析を中心として
- アメリカの学校教育における薬物検査 : "Vernonia判決"と"Earls判決"の距離
- アメリカの学校教育における生徒の情報プライバシー : "Falvo判決"を中心として
- 特別論文 私学一貫教育に関する調査(速報)
- IV 高校生の学校図書館に関する意識調査
- I はじめに : 問題の所在並びに研究経過
- 中高一貫教育における学校図書館のあり方について
- 高校生の読書並びに図書館に対する意識 : アンケート調査を中心に
- 学校図書館を巡る諸問題
- 教育改革のトレンド
- 少子化時代における私学経営 : 経営学の視点を参考にして
- 図書館職員の専門職制に関する一考察
- 子どもと学校III : 憲法学と教育学の狭間から
- 生涯学習時代の図書館経営 : 「社会的弱者」と「コミュニティ」という視点から
- 教員教育の現状と課題
- 教員養成の未来を展望する(総括,III シンポジウム)
- 体罰論を巡る「教師」と「親」 : 裁判例に焦点を当てて
- 8. まとめに代えて
- 7. アメリカにおける体罰論
- 6. 懲戒権の範囲の異同
- 5. 教師の"親代わり"論の否定
- 3. 懲戒権に占める法的地位 : 教師と親
- 2. 体罰問題の現在
- 1. 問題の所在