教育長のリーダーシップが校長及び学校組織に及ぼす影響について(II 研究報告)
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The purpose of this paper is to obtain clues to the involvement of superintendents through clarification of the influence of the superintendent's leadership on principals and school organizations. In our analysis we reviewed the finding of previous research and then constructed a new framework for analysis. One aspect is the assumption that the superintendent's leadership exerts influences on the principal's leadership. Another is that the superintendent's leadership and the principal's leadership exert influences on school culture. In accordance with this framework, we set up six superintendent leadership variables-"instructional leadership," "administrative leadership," "political leadership (upgrading school conditions)," "political leadership (adjusting relations of interest)," "political leadership (transmitting one's vision to the community)," and "excessive intervention" ; three principal leadership variables-"sharing vision," "teaching support," and "promotes in-service training" ; and three school culture variables-"collaborative culture," "experimental culture," and "autonomic culture." The survey object was 1128 elementary school principals derived by random sampling. We carried out the survey from February 2000 and the collection rate was 52% (585 participants). Next, results were obtained through analysis in this survey research. The first result is that the leadership dimension of "administrative leadership," "political leadership (upgrading school conditions)," and "political leadership (adjusting relations of interest)" exert positive impacts on principals. This result shows that the leadership power of a principal increases by way of involvement by the superintendent, that the superintendent should intentionally work on adjustment with principals concerning the evident control of policy, and that he/she should support principals through the upgrading of a school's conditions, and should make an effort concerning the adjustment of relations of political interest. The second result is that the leadership dimensions of "instructional leadership" and "administrative leadership" exert negative impacts on school culture. The former exerts a negative influence on "collaborative culture." On the other hand, the latter exerts a negative influence on "experimental culture." This result confirms survey results shown in previous research. The suggestion that is obtained by this result is that the superintendent should infuse his/her own educational values to school organizations through adjusting such value with principals and considering the organizational situation and school autonomy. The third result is that the leadership dimension of "political leadership (transmitting one's vision to the community)" exerts a positive impact on school culture (ex., the "experimental culture"). This result shows that the superintendent who succeeds in the transmission of his/her visions to the community or in the construction of relations of trust is contributing to the formation of a transformational atmosphere in a school's organization.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 2001-11-02
- 校長の教育的リーダーシップと学校成果の関係
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- 教育長のリーダーシップが校長及び学校組織に及ぼす影響について(II 研究報告)
- 個人-組織の価値観が校長のリーダーシップに及ぼす影響(III 研究報告)