教育委員会の実証的研究と教育行政改革(教育行政研究と教育行政改革,I 年報フォーラム)
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This paper aims to discuss how the related research on the real situations of the board-of-education system has contributed to policy making conducted by the national advisory councils (e.g., the Ad Hoc Council on Education, the Central Education Council). Attempts were made to examine the three dimensions of the function of the board-of-education system : (1) Policy decision-making by the board of education, (2) policy implementation by superintendents and their officials, which are the subsidiary organs of the board of education, and (3) policy outcomes and impacts (that is to say, modifications concerned with public education made by policy decision-making and implementation). Very little research has been conducted to date on both policy decision-making processes and outcomes. Research on policy implementation, despite its abundant amount, has not been developed in a systematic fashion. Consequently, such research has failed to provide the advisory councils with any reliable findings and information which would enable them to recognize the real settings of the board-of-education system. In addition, such research has failed to draw any determinant factors attributable to the dynamics of the system in the real sense of the word, which form the foundation in order for the advisory councils to design effective reform plans. This is partly because the researchers of policy decision-making processes have seldom tried to analyze the factors of its dynamics, and partly because only one of the factors, which has been assumed to make attributions to the actual setups of performing their duties for superintendents and supervisors, was the population of individual cities, towns or villages where the board is established. It may be concluded in sum that a survey of research to date has not necessarily been contributable to the policy making of the board-of-education system conducted by the advisory councils. One of the major reasons is that as pointed out in the present paper, a well-defined framework for analysis has not been developed as yet in each of the related research.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1998-10-17
- 2 審査結果の概要(「学校の自律性」と校長の新たな役割-アメリカの学校経営改革に学ぶ,学術研究賞,学会褒賞)
- 「学校経営者」の拡大と限定(教育改革と学校経営の構造転換(2)自律的学校経営を担う学校経営者の在り方)
- 2 審査結果の概要(『アメリカにおけるカリキュラムマネジメントの研究-サービス・ラーニング(Service-Learning)の視点から-』,学術研究賞,学会褒賞)
- 学習指導要領の基準性と学校の自主性・自律性(発表・1,学習指導要領の基準性と教育課程行政,課題研究2,IV 大会報告)
- 各大学における教職大学院の具体化構想 : 兵庫教育大学教職大学院構想のカリキュラム・授業方法と連携体制(1. 課題研究 教員養成・研修システム改革と人材養成-教職大学院構想の功罪を探る,第4部 第21回研究大会の概要)
- 教育委員会の実証的研究と教育行政改革(教育行政研究と教育行政改革,I 年報フォーラム)
- 教育委員会の政策過程と分析枠組(その二) : 政策実施過程(教育長・事務局の職務遂行)の分析枠組
- 教育委員会の政策過程の分析枠組(その一)
- 教育行政実践における教育行政研究の有用性(まとめ,課題研究2 教育行政実践における教育行政研究の有用性,VI課題研究)
- 2 審査結果の概要(『学校組織のリーダーシップ』,学術研究賞,学会褒賞)
- 2 審査結果の概要(学校変革プランの作成とマネジメント感覚の向上-大学院におけるスクールリーダー教育を通して-,実践研究賞,学会褒賞)
- 2 審査結果の概要(信頼を創造する公立学校の挑戦-壱岐丘の風がどのように吹いたか,実践研究賞,学会褒賞)
- 総括(課題研究報告II : 学校組織,教職員勤務の実態認識と問題点)
- 総括(教育経営の社会的基盤の変容と研究の有用性)
- 生涯学習社会への学校の対応 : 「開かれた学校」に関する教育行政・学校経営の課題(教育改革と教育経営)
- 教育政策形成・制度改革における教育行政研究の有用性(まとめ,教育政策形成・制度改革における教育行政研究の有用性,課題研究2,IV 課題研究)