- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this research explores whether young teachers should do to be able to continue learning how. In the late years and S city, many young teachers are employed and a teacher's age structurehas been changing. Being in it, a young teacher's training has been a big subject. I am in the intense society of a transmutation and the knowledge and qualification for which a teacher is askedhave also been changing. It is important for a teacher for the correspondence to a transmutation to be called for and to continue learning autonomously. Local education authority creates teachers educational program for the betterment in their qualification, and is trying to aim at a teacher's betterment in a qualification. However, this procedure is not considered that a teacher's autonomy will be raised. Just the autonomy of learning should be asked for becoming a teacher who continues learning. In this research, in order for a teacher to have continued learning, it became clear that theresearch to not only the resources of the schools but a college teacher or the veteran teacher of other schools had a big significance. An extended cooperation mutuality needs to be built for a young teacher.
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