「学力コンクール」の時代(1946-70) : 大学入試の模擬試験を実施した学生団体の歴史
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This research is a historical survey of 16 student organizations, such as "Tokyo University Correspondence Society," that conducted "Academic Competition." These competitions were essentially trial examinations for students of high schools and preparatory schools (private schools for students preparing for university entrance examinations) all over the country. Using university facilities, these student organizations were founded by students to address the problems of student poverty and at the same time to improve the academic achievement of high school students. In this time period, national universities did not properly publicize information regarding campus life. Instead, the universities relied on student organizations to disseminate such information to students and the public. For this reason, they were fostered by university authorities, and their activities were reported in the media. A study of the history of these organizations reveals the following three points: First, there was a dramatic change in the perception of student organizations over the time under consideration. Initially, student organizations were seen as addressing student poverty and improving academic achievement of high school students. Over time, however, these same organizations were thougut to only be taking money from students and worsening "examination hell." As the latter perception became predominant among the public, student organizations were dismantled by 1970. This trend reflects the impact of post-war reconstruction and rapid economic growth that led to a dramatic increase in the number of students seeking a university education. Second, dispite the external shock of entrance exam changes and negative popular preception, these student organizations continued their business as usual. Even as they were seen as money-making ventures, student organizations remained a vital source of information regarding university for entrance examinees and for high schools and preparatory schools. Third, the business model designed by student organizations was unique and innovative, so much so that after their dissolution, their role was inherited by a new entrance exam "industry." After a fouryear absence of practice exams specific to each university, in 1974 Kawaijuku founded "The Tokyo University Open." Thereafter, variations of this model multiplied, and Kawaijuku became nationally recognized and moved its operation to Tokyo in 1977. Kawaijuku's success launched the "preparatory schools war," that lasted until the late 1980s. In a sense, student organizations were the precursors of the "preparatory schools war."
- 2012-10-01
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- 「学力コンクール」の時代(1946-70) : 大学入試の模擬試験を実施した学生団体の歴史
- 総力戦体制下の夜間中学 : 学徒動員・授業停止を免れた中学校
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