大学体育授業におけるレジリエンス育成の試み : 女子大学生における身体活動状況と心理的特性との関連
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The purposes of this study were to reconstruct the resilience scale, the time perspective scale and the physical self-perception profile scale, and to analyze the relationship between resilience and time perspective, physical self-perception on the view points of transtheoretical model(TTM). The results of analysis were as follows ; First, the reliability of three scales mentioned above were fulfilled the criterion by chronbach alpha coefficient. Second, the students on the higher level stage in TTM showed the higher resilience point, time perspective point and physical self-perception point. Especially, the tendency was strong on the "pursuit of originality" of resilience scale, the "reception of the past" of time perspective scale and the "attractive body", "sports competence", "physical strength", "condition management", "physical self value" of physical self-perception scale. From these results, the measures for resilience training through physical education classes were suggested.
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